King of My World

“A man who has no imagination has no wings.”

– Muhammad Ali

Exhausted from the daily struggle of trying to weld my small business into existence while also just trying to keep my head above water in life.

I want to lay down my sword for a little while. Retreat into my cave and pull the covers up over my head. Shut my eyes tight and pray all the swirling chaos just disappears.

But I know that’s not how change happens. Progress only comes to those willing to stand up when they feel like collapsing. Who push ahead when every fibre of their being screams to turn back.

My business feels like a mountain too high to climb on most days. The world feels like a turbulent sea threatening to pull me under. But I know if I want to truly live instead of just exist, I have to battle. I have to keep climbing. I have to swim against the currents trying to sweep me away.

I feel afraid, but I know the fear is only there because I’m on the precipice of something great. Taking a leap is the only way to soar.

I’m terrified of the driven, relentless person I’ll have to become to attain the freedom and success I crave. The chaos of the journey and the sacrifices I’ll have to make. But I’m ready to evolve and find out who I can be on the other side of my fear.

This will not be easy, but ease does not lead to growth. Discomfort is what stretches us to new heights.

Life, bring on your storms. I’m determined to weather them all and emerge the king of my world.

Endless hours of scripting, programming, designing, consulting and teaching. Some days it feels like I’m running a marathon in quicksand. No matter how hard I push forward, I barely gain an inch.

When I manage to drag myself away from work, regular life is waiting to overwhelm me too. Bills, responsibilities, relationships all piled on my already stooped shoulders. In those moments, I dream of escaping to the beach for a couple days of rest and reset. But reality rarely allows such respites.

Building the business and life I dream of will take sacrifice. Late nights, early mornings, frayed nerves, and countless failures. I’ll have to be more driven, focused, and determined than I’ve ever been. The thought terrifies me.

Yet even in my exhaustion, I find moments of clarity. Is life truly about struggle and adversity? Or are those just stories we tell ourselves? What if I let go of tiredness and pain as inevitable? What if I accept them as fleeting rather than permanent states?

I realise now that none of it really matters in the end. All that matters is what I do in the face of each moment as it comes. My actions define me, not my thoughts or feelings about hardship.

The road ahead may seem long and difficult. But traveling it is what gives life meaning. With courage and perseverance, I’ll get there. One step at a time. Emerging as the ruler of my world.

I’ve already chosen my path, though it diverted for a time. Now I’m getting back on course, and I extend an invitation to you to walk it with me. Our shared journey can elevate us both if we choose growth and compassion. Hardship becomes easier when carried together. I’m ready for whatever life brings.

I’m under no illusions that the road ahead will be smooth or easy if I choose to take it on. Building the business and life I want will push me harder than I’ve ever been pushed. Force me to find strength and resilience I didn’t know I possessed.

There is no such thing as ‘hard’! Yes, I may stumble, but that is simply an expectation of the process, so I cannot expect anything less. If I keep trying, eventually I’ll succeed.

So, bring on the long nights, the naysayers, the endless obstacles. I’m ready to face them. The driven, unstoppable person I need to become is already taking shape inside of me.

My dreams seem far away today. But someday soon, they will be my new reality. This is my life. It’s time to start living it rather than hiding from it. To emerge the king of my world, whatever that looks like.

Me against the world? No. Me determined to conquer the world of my own making and claim my rightful place as its king… King of MY world!!